
import { useScript } from 'unhead'

const { onLoaded } = useScript('')

onLoaded(() => {
  // Script loaded successfully


A singleton pattern is implemented scripts with the same src or key are only loaded once globally. This helps prevent duplicate script loading and ensures consistent initialization.

  • Scripts load after hydration by default
  • defer enabled for proper execution order
  • fetchpriority="low" to prioritize critical resources
  • crossorigin="anonymous" prevents cookie access
  • referrerpolicy="no-referrer" blocks referrer headers

Script Input

Pass either a URL string or options object:

// URL only

// Full options - accepts any <script> attribute
  src: '',
  crossorigin: false // disable crossorigin='anonymous'

Loading Options

Control when and how scripts load:

useScript(input, {
  // When to load the script
  trigger: 'client' | 'server' | Promise | ((load) => void),

  // Resource hint strategy
  warmupStrategy: 'preload' | 'prefetch' | 'preconnect' | 'dns-prefetch',

  // Access the script's API
  use: () => window.externalAPI

Script Lifecycle

The script goes through these states:

  • awaitingLoad - Initial state
  • loading - Script is loading
  • loaded - Script loaded successfully
  • error - Script failed to load
  • removed - Script was removed

Monitor these with:

script.onLoaded((api) => {
  // Script loaded

script.onError(() => {
  // Script failed

Resource Hints

The warmupStrategy option automatically adds resource hints to optimize loading:

useScript(input, {
  // Preload - highest priority, load ASAP
  warmupStrategy: 'preload',

  // Prefetch - load when browser is idle
  warmupStrategy: 'prefetch',

  // Preconnect - setup connection early
  warmupStrategy: 'preconnect',

  // DNS Prefetch - resolve DNS early
  warmupStrategy: 'dns-prefetch'

API Proxying

If you need to access the script's API before it loads, use the use option with proxy support.

const script = useScript({
  src: ''
}, {
  use: () =>

// Works before script loads!

The proxy records all calls and replays them once loaded.

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